Thursday, April 27, 2006

Aloha again Gits!!!

I know, I know, you guys missed me so's alright, I realize I'm very popular ;-) he ho ha! Well, just returned from a trip to God's own country, where Sir Git is probably roasting up by now...Yes, the place is one hell of a competitor with Chennai's heat right now!! You should have seen me getting baked, what with being decked up in artificial jewellery and heavy silk for my cousin's wedding!!! Of course, I cooled off on the beach with all the cousins(19 on my mum's side alone, can you believe it?) and enjoyed the yum 'mallu' food.. So now I'm back in good ol' native 'ooru', which unfortunately has not given up it's spot as the hottest place in Tamil Nadu for the zillionth year in running!!! Now to get down to cooking and driving classes, both of which I'm miserable at ;-) So that's the news update from this corner of the earth...By the way, my apologies for not contributing to our revered site for so long,but now that I've woken up-wake up fellow gits!!!! Let's see some blogging action huh,what say?? That's it for now, will drop in again soon...ta-ta!


My Daily Struggles said...

I'm one of the survivors on Oceanic flight 815. We need help really bad. Call the FAA.

AtomicGitten said...

HI Posh sweetheart! Howdy! So now when you get back we will have the honour (or the risk?) of sampling you cooking and driving! tres bien ma cherie. Enjoy the chicken pakodas. byee

Anonymous said...

Heh, posh... I'm back too! And no, I wasn't roasting, it wasn't that bad actually. And ObsGit was also there so how much cooler can it get, lol! ;)

Anyway, God' own country was pretty awesome! Beautiful backwaters, nice weather, YUMMMMMMMMY food and not to mention TODDY! Need I say more? :D

But it's also good to be back home, hot as it is gonna get. Blog on, dear gits, blog on!