Monday, March 20, 2006

Yo fellow Gits!
Just arrived after messing up poetry big time(didn't we all??) So what's going on on the home front,you ask? Well,the gits are acing their c.a.'s, big bag of brains that we are ;-) Gitler's been blushing(oh,she still denies it!) and I've been having a good time bugging her about cole slaw!! The Gits have also been generously contributing to the income of the canteen-Cheers(burp!) to us Gitz,keep up the good eating! There's also been a sudden rush to get into a kid's shoes,since some of us are having trouble with children's stories-"Mommy,I need a good kiddie story!!!" Anyways, glad to know we have our own blog now,Gits,keep the posts coming in! See ya...

1 comment:

SirGit said...

Finally! The Git blog was looking really sorry with just two posts for so long. Please do put up some notable pieces of giterature or I'm afraid I'll be pushed to do something desperate, like put up more limericks!

As for poetry, heh... eveyone messed it up! And cole slaw... hmm, interesting. I want to hear more of this.

My kids shoes are too small and have developed an irritating bite. Help!