Sunday, May 21, 2006

University Gits-1


smoke said...

Ok, i gotta comment on every one of those... so starting from the bottom, moving up.

Pic 1: Sheesh! Did this have to be the first? We look like darned nerds... Wait till obs gets back... lol!

Pic 2: Hehe... standard canteen-time posing. Although that thing tall is drinking looks suspiciously like... well, let's leave it at "it looks suspicious"! :P

Pic 3: Ah! Does the heart good to see the gits together! Although gol seems to be missing!

Pic 4:Awww...

Pic 5: Pa! Posh... pigging out as usual! ;) Gimme!

Pic 6: Er... what can i say? My sheer brilliance. Yes. Thanks!

Pic 7: Another nerdy pic, what can I say? I was talking abt keats, in my defence. C'mon!

Poshgit said...

oh good git-lord!!

this jus beats everything else i've seen on this blog so far...way to go atomic! thanx for makin da gits look like,well,studious gits ;-) and the piggin out,sir git,is vital for posh git's survival in a hostel with food scarcity,so there ;-)

SJ said...

reallllllllllllllllllllllllly cute!!!!!!!!!!
fun to read