Thursday, March 23, 2006

hail all gits!!!
Poshgit and Gitler have placed second in the WCC quiz that took place today. Some screwed up engineering college came first with some totally improbable margin. Pheroze was there,ie for the uninitiated Obsgits cousin.came 4th and the other MCC team didn't even place. That is the update from this side apart from the fact that we both have got a lot of moolah. and i mean a lot of it. so its mandatory that all gits must celebrate tonight.


Anonymous said...

YAY! Let's parteeee! Will there be booze? Dope? Hunky male strippers?

Gitler and Poshgit should win more quizzes.

Poshgit said...

Thanks for the ovation fellow gitz, real pity there aren't more women into quizzin (sir git the feminist, that was for you!). check out the post on my blog for more info!